Gore/Ayre Family Tree

Martha Hawkins

Person ID: L7BZ-3Y5

Person Chart

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth about 1744 Harlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Christening 28/08/1737 Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Marriage 13/10/1765
Burial 06/10/1801 Harlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
William Chance Husband
Ann Chance Daughter Harlington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom 26/09/1779
Ann Johnson Granddaughter
Ann Wildman Granddaughter
Charlotte Wildman Granddaughter
Elizabeth Johnson Granddaughter
John Johnson Grandson
William Johnson Grandson
Matthew Wildman Grandson 16/04/1808
Martha Wildman Granddaughter 15/10/1809
Mary Ann Wildman Granddaughter Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom 03/07/1815 Luton, Bedfordshire, England 28/03/1884
Sons- & Daughters-In-Law
Thomas Wildman Son-in-law Flitton, Bedfordshire, England about 1788 Toddington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom 06/04/1865